

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 04:24:00 GMT, David Jobson wrote:

>DJ>Not forging prescriptions, just issuing scripts on the advice of
>DJ>consultants, etc with all the clinical responsibility and expense (drugs
>DJ>cheaper to the NHS when dispensed in hospital).
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Not really so.
>Cheaper only if available at discount - which most expensive
>drugs (e.g. EPO) are not. VAT fouls up the works.
How about if the NHS nationally negotiated directly with the
manufacturers for EPO and other highly expensive drugs needed by small
numbers of patients. Surely they could get a better deal than
individual retail pharmacies can manage. This would be normal practice
for a large commercial company, but ironically is too ideologically
unsound for the Government, which is committed to local purchasing as
part of the internal market.

Dr David Evans
