

David Jobson wrote:
> Some one told me that this was not true infection, but still
> a re-awakening of the dormant virus as result of the
> stimulation of meeting the virus again. Same argument for
> those kids with pox that "give" their G'parents shingles.
> Sounds neat, but I've no idea how evidence based it is.

Okay. I'll buy that one.
Does anyone know whether there are "always" zoster virions in vesicles or is it only evidence of immunofluorescence (?antigen-antibody complex) which is sought on testing ?
It may be that the vesicles are purely an acute inflammatory response to the intra-neural virus. Do we have any virologists on line ??
Or immunologists ?
(I suppose we might even settle for a dermatologist..)

Jon Wilcox