

I don't know if its the same in GB as over here in N. Ireland but if you
got onto benefit before  incapacity benefit hit the fan in April 95 then
you were able to stay in benefit until 70yrs old providing you didn't fail
the All  Work Test if examined. The advantage was theoretically the tax
break ( though I dont know how the I.R. looks at it now). You shouldn't be
able to get I.B. now past 65 if you make a fresh claim. There are also
those people who are "transitionally protected" under the changeover rules
and will not be called for exam if they were >58yr  on 4/4/95 and had been
continuously in benefit since 1/12/93 (or thereabouts).
	So there probably are a big bunch of people carried over into I.B. that
could stay in benefit until 70. I dont see why they should have to submit
med3's as the vast majority should by now have been screened out and told
they didn't need to provide certs anymore.
	Anyone else had solicitors sending photocopies of the IB85 ( All Work Test
) sent to them and asked to complete it in respect of their patient who is
appealing the dss decision to stop their benefit?
 David Mills
 [log in to unmask]

> From: Peter Glover <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Sick notes for the over 65s
> Date: 04 November 1996 17:55
> Can anyone shed any light on this? I had a chap aged 68 come to see me
> for a med3 regarding his arthritic knees. No disputing that, I said, but
> why a certificate when you're retired anyway? Oh,he replies, if I'm on
> the sick I don't pay tax on my pension. What's going on here? I'm sure a
> lot of the over 65s aren't fit for work for one reason or another but
> don't claim. Is this a scam of some sort or is there some arcane DHSS
> ruling I'm unaware of?
> While I'm at it, could we all put in for early retirement due to stress
> and retire to a life of peace and tranquility? Better still, perhaps we
> could sue the DOH for causing us all our aggravation- after all there is
> a precident.
> Yours-
> Peter(pass the Prozac) Glover
> Church View Surgery,
> Rayleigh, Essex
