

James Kennedy (or someone pretending to be him) said:
> [..snip..]
> I do however sympathize with colleagues who feel uncomfortable
> discussing some topics in the presence of legal experts as they may feel
> their comments could be mis-construed, or brought up in evidence against
> them at a latter date.
> [..snip..]
> 1)  treat the list as a private discussion whose members should not be
> held to account outside this forum for their musings in the forum (A
> kind of discussion group parliamentary privilege)
> [..snip..]

Just in case anyone on this list should be worrying about the legal
implications of what they say here; or just in case anyone should wish
to bring legal action based on what is said here:

it is perhaps worth remembering that e-mail is very easy to forge.  There
is no guarantee that the e-mail I'm replying to was written by James
Kennedy, nor that the e-mail you're reading was written by Martin McCarthy.

If someone on this list says something that they later regret saying...
well...who's to say it was them who *really* said it in the first place?
(So PGP users might not want to pgp-sign their postings when they're
saying something of negligable legality [grin]).

Martin McCarthy                     /</                   [log in to unmask]
PGP key available.                  \>\            [log in to unmask]
Multi-User Virtual Reality --       /</
see  \>\
