

At 20:50 +0000 on 19-12-1996, Mr. Alan Hyslop wrote:

> In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Adrian Midgely replied positively to the suggested modus operandi put
> forward under the heading of 'EDIFACT versus Internet' and went on to ask:
> > We would rather like to get away from the handwritten forms as well, so
> > if the system could run in reverse...
> Inspires me to ask about another reversal - out-patient booking. Why is
> that it's always mooted as something done in direction of Practice to
> Trust?  Loads of complications to this route, eg type of clinic, urgency,
> Consultant preciousness, etc.  But what of the other direction?
> "Here's your discharge letter, Mrs Smith, just take it to your GP. We've
> made an appointment for you to see her on Thursday at 3pm, which is when
> you said you'd be free".
> Good old GPs don't much discrimate with requests for appointments. Take
> anything that wanders in etc. So why not make a big stride for continuity
> of care by offering Trusts read/write access to your appointments modules?

No reason why it could be done.

Infra structural problems to be solved before it can take off:
- Good, sound ways of making information available AND to shield off
- General way of sending/requesting information. What's needed is a
standard in which in a very flexible way Contexts like : Name, adress,
Diagnosis, Symptoms, Lab results are defined in a general way.


Gerard Freriks,huisarts, MD
C. Sterrenburgstr 54
3151JG Hoek van Holland
the Netherlands  		Telephone: (+31) (0)174-384296/ Fax: -386249
				Mobile   : (+31) (0)6-54792800
