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> Go on then - what is a career start, and how can I get one?
> --- OffRoad 1.9n registered to Adrian Midgley
Career Start is a brand new, two year, salaried GP scheme in County
Durham. There are 7 of us at present (6 wte) paid for by the Health

We started in Sept and will be spending 12 months in an approved 'mentor'
practice (8 sessions, share of on-call, half-day release). The plan for
year two is to spend six months working in different practices and a six
month 'elective'. The latter can be anything we can justify in a personal
education plan,(Eg. Research for my paper 'Seasonal Affective Disorder -
is a six month, salaried break in the Caribbean enough?')

Mentor practices are paying 8k (ukp) to have us for the year, we get
35.5k plus pension and PGEA. We can leave at anytime and receive a 3.5k
'golden-hello' if we join a practice in the county.

I'm told a number of established GPs were interested in the scheme, while
they couldn't apply there has been a suggestion (half serious) of a
'Career Stop' scheme. The idea would be that burnt-out, disillusioned
principles could become salaried as an alternative to early retirement,
ie. tackle the recruitment crisis from both ends.

Mike Prentice
GP Career Start, Co Durham
