

Dear All

Howard said that he would send this other GP-UK contributors but I haven't
seen it appear.

I hope he doesn't mind me forwarding it for general information although many
of you have already worked out the problem.

Can anyone interpret other obscure characters that appear in my "reader", e.g.
what do all those =3D lines mean surrounding one prominent contributors sig.



From: 	Howard Griffiths
Sent: 	09 December 1996 16:17
To: 	Peter Wilson
Subject: 	Pulse

Dear Dr Wilson

Our slip with the Xmas co-op rates has caused us much embarrassment. It's no
excuse but I thought you may be interested in hearing  how it was caused. The
article was e-mailed to us and as you probably know - but we didn't at the
time - pound signs can come out strangely with e-mail. The three is on the
same typewriter key as the pound sign and this may be why the figure came out
30 times too large!

Howard Griffiths, Editor, Pulse.

PS I'm sending this letter to other GP-UK contributors.
