

I think in some ways it's a good thing.  It means people are
taking interest in their health

Obviously they fulfill a need or people would not consult them.


Just a few questions

200 a week. That seems a lot. Is it increasing with the cold weather?

Is that with or without 'advertising'?

Who replies to them the group or individual GP?

Do you have 'stock' replies for common queries?

What are you going to do if demand substantially increases?

       "The injury of prodigality leads to this,
        that he who will not economise
        will have to agonise" Confucius

Rob Wilson
Research Associate
Sowerby Unit for Primary Care Informatics
21 Claremont Place
University of Newcastle
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK
tel: +44 (0)191 222 6083
fax: +44 (0)191 222 6043
