

david plews wrote <I think the trials evidence for over the
over 70s is not here yet, but extraploation of risk seems reasonable. If you
love your dad (or mum) then go for it>

I disagree that it is reasonable to extrapolate - makes far too many assumptions
On this basis if you love your Mum and dad you would not give them unproven

Jon Wilcox wrote:
<I am now confused. I am totally unaware of any documented (proven) risk
associated with statin use.Perhaps someone can enlighten me.
There is most certainly risk with the fibrates.>

Apart from the opportunity cost of treatment which is unnecessary the data sheet
for different statins mentions changes in LFTs and recommends regular testing
for this. there are rare reports of rhabdomyolysis leading to renal dysfunction.
In placebo controlled srudies there is an small increase in rash, myalgia,
headache, nausea/vomiting, diarrheoa and fatigue
