

From: 	[log in to unmask] on behalf of Peter Glover
Sent: 	Monday, September 09, 1996 05:42
To: 	[log in to unmask]
Subject: 	Shingles

When I was a medical student in the late 70s I remember being told that
a patient with shingles could infect a susceptible  contact with
chickenpox but not give them shingles.Many times over the years I have
had a patient see me with zoster to be followed two weeks later with
their spouse similarly affected.I tell them " the book " says it
shouldn't be but,strange things happen.Is the standard teaching still
the same? Have many of you encountered the same situation?
Best wishes,--
Peter Glover
Church View Surgery,
Yes, often see a small outbreak of shingles in a community.
One theory is that there my be a "trigger" virus, which spreads from person to
person and activates shingles in susceptible individuals.

