

> I have a new patient with fairly mild but bothersome angio-oedema
> over the last 18 months, consisting of lip and, to a lesser extent,
> eye swelling. She has a daughter who has severe urticaria at times.

The following is a bit "hip" and "alternative",  culled from
personal,  similar,  but not identical experience:

Before launching an ever increasing list of different frug
treatments(that may be aggravating the condition in themselves!),  I
would look at food and the environment,  particualrly that her
daughter suffers urticaria (presumably they share the same

Having excluded the presence of all animals in and around the house,
checked any occupational factors,  I would put her on a 10-14
exclusion diet.  One of the best is the SAD (Stone Age Diet).  I have
the details of SAD if you wish to e-mail me directly.

The first few days of SAD will be hell!  Then,  if food is
implicated,  she should start to feel better.  You then go onto the
painful and slow business of introducing single item foods one at a
time and observing any reaction.

You may also wish to carry out a food and environmental allergies
RAST testing (there used to be an outfit in York that did this,
can't remember the name!).

Clinical Ecology is a fascinating subject and well worth pursuing in
this case.

Al Hakim
way out on a desert galaxy,  not drowning,  but waving!

Ahmad Risk MB BCh
tel: +44 1737 240022 fax: +44 1737 244660
