

Paul Cauldwell wrote:

DR>I don't think it's worth treating simple chickenpox. All the antivirals are
DR>very expensive and results indifferent for it. The local virologists at the
DR>PHLS only use it for pneumonia or encephalitis, even then the results are

This might be 'cos by the time such complications occur it is
to late for anti-viral to help.

I thought D & TB was unequivocal a couple of years back - Rx
all adults with the pox.

DR>They also feel that treating shingles is worth it only for
DR>ophthalmic zoster if given within 72 hours. Apparently varicella is only
DR>partially sensitive to the antivirals- despite what the companies say.

Unless its changed in the past few weeks, Acicolvir   is the
only one with  UK product licence for c-pox as opposed to
Herpes Zoster.

[why did they change the spelling from acyclovir?!  ;-)  ]

Dr. David Jobson
The Surgery, Main St  Surgery   Tel +44 (0)1728   830526
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 * SLMR 2.1a *
