

We expect departments to meet the extra costs, and they are generally quite
content to do so. As at Westminster this question has been aired in
committee in the past, but Central Admin are quite firm that that procedure
should continue.

There was a recent complaint from the Departmental Administrator of one of
the departments more popular with disabled students that they were bearing
an unfair financial burden, (Computer Studies, Social Sciences, and the
Business School undoubtedly have more disabled students than most), but our
policy remains the same and there is no question of it affecting recruitment. 

                Yours,    Ron Hinton

>Where students with disabilities need special exam provision (amanuenses,
>exams in separate rooms with own invigilators etc) who pays the extra costs
>involved?  ETC>

    Dr R.A.L.Hinton
    Director, Tactile Diagrams Research Unit &
    Senior Tutor to Students with Disabilities

    Education Dept.
    Loughborough University,
    Leics.   LE11 3TU
    United Kingdom

    Tel: 01509-222770     Fax: 01509-223912
