

A mature student who is partly self-financing and partly supported by his
employer , has  MS informs us that  he requires a lap top computer to take
notes.  We know by the nature of the effect his disability has on his hands
this is  inappropriate.

At present he tapes his lectures, but for some reason he does not like the
system and in fact does not seem to trust it even though lecturers are happy
about it.  He is given lecture notes and extra help from lecturers as
required. One particular academic  in the department is very supportive and
helpful on a one:one basis and is on call when the student is not in College. 

He would not consider using note takers and indeed they would have to have
an indepth knowledge of his study and in any case I don't think he would
trust this either.

There is an added complication in that he has recently been widowed.  His
wife was incredibly supportive of his study and I think he misses this
particular facet of their relationship and in any case they were very close

He has with- drawn from his course until December this year as the impact of
his loss and his disability have taken their toll.

The fact that part of his financial package comes from  his employer  seems
to put him under additional stress to perform.

All in all he he has taken a dive and obviously this has affected his
Has anybody got any ideas of a discreet way for this student to take notes!?
There is obviously the financial element to be considered.

Your help is appreciated.  Thank you, Loretto.      
