

It is my eldest son's fourth birthday today. This morning, from
1000h to 1200h, we had a party at the local Alphabet Zoo (one of
those indoor 'jungle gym' type things).

There were fifteen kiddies, aged 16m (our youngest) to 4.5y.
Everyone had a whale of a time. How can you look into the face
of a beaming 4-year-old and not feel uplifted?

I know I have (or am developing) a reputation for spreading
misery and despondency, but I'm not like that all the time.
It is only GP that does it to me. I'm just going to have to
get out. Trouble is, I haven't got the cahones (sp?) to
jump ship just yet. Once my wife becomes a consultant in O&G
(approx 3.5 years away) I can give it all up, become a house-
husband, and write a novel that someone will publish!!!
(oooh, but don't tell her this. I think she wants to give
up medicine, become a housewife, and have even more children)
Hmmm, feel better already.
