

In a message dated 11/11/96  20:08:03, Ahmed writes:

>Trefor:  any chance of re-posting your questionnaire again so that we
>can take it to bits or otherwise :-) ?

 I have refined it a bit since last time. The basic format consists of these

Name of Practice;	
Post Code;
Phone Number;
Person spoken to;
Internet Connection;	Y/N		
Who is connected ?;	GP    Practice Manager    Other
No. Partners without;
No Partners with;
E-mail address(es);

If no internet connection then put the total number of partners in the
without field. This will give us a bit more info without being too complex.

Please feel free to suggest improvements

Trefor Roscoe                    Email [log in to unmask]
Beighton Health Centre      Tel 0114 - 269 5061
Queens Road                     Fax 0114 269 7186
Sheffield S19 6BJ
