

In message <[log in to unmask]> tobylipm wrote:

> We would have to wear old-fashioned suits with waistcoats, carry an
> umbrella and Gladstone bag, and drive Ford Consuls. We could get rid of
> pagers, mobile phones and dictaphones (we would have one standard
> referral letter, scribbled on a piece of paper torn from a notepad:
> "Dear Doctor, re Mrs Bloggs, please see and treat"). One of the best
> things would be that we could make huge savings on our drugs budgets and
> it would be almost impossible to sue us for negligence because the
> knowledge and skill expected of the average GP would be so low that we
> could get away with minimal standards of clinical care.
> Is this a nightmare or what?

Hmmmm, I think I could live with that for a few years.
Until I retire, anyway.
