

 A GP colleague of mine (yes-really,I'm not involved!) has recently
recieved a complaint the crux of which is the fact that,suspecting
appendicitis,he performed a PR on a 19 year old girl without a
chaperone.Oddly the complaint at this stage seems to be from her elder
sister and not the patient.Puting to one side for the moment the wisdom
of doing a PR under these circumstances(damned if you do,damned if you
don't),how many of us actually make it a habit-that is for maale GPs-to
haave a chaperone each time we do a PR or VE on our female patients?
Logistics can be very difficult and I'd be very interested in a cross-
section of opinions.
                Best wishes,
                Peter Glover
                Church View Surgery
Peter Glover
