

> Why do administrators think they need all the data before taking action?

Bureaucrats everywhere want power and control.

In more detail, administrators seek access to all information flows so
that they can cover their backs, but also so that they can avoid being
axed in the next reorganisation. Given that the number of managers in
the NHS has increased by an order of mangitude in the last decade,
that the public complains about this, and that a change of government
may happen shortly - well, you get the idea.

> Why don't they use a confidence system, where they believe what is sent ,
> but without all privacy data? And of course institute a controlling body
> which randomly checks claims.

Well, this is what they do in Germany, and their system seems to work a
lot better than ours. Waiting lists are shorter or nonexistent, doctors
earn more money and have lots of shiny new machines in their surgeries -
and yet the cost of healthcare is the same 7-8% of GNP as in Britain

