

"Ok, so I have a whole string of mostly women over 80 who no matter what I
do, I cannot get their systolic below 180/190 without serious side-effects,
both perceived by the patient ie "I feel awful doctor" and physiological ie
urea and creat rising through the roof.

So what do I do? Leave them alone, or work my way through the BNF?
Have I misunderstood the studies?"

As I' m sure you are the aware the SHEP study demonstrated a benefit for these
patients. However
what is the benefit of  a theoretical decrease in the risk of stroke compared to
a real drop in quality of life
caused by side effects. In some of these patients i just accept a high blood
pressure. You could always
ask the patient her view. Trouble is while the 30 somethings like to dictate
their healthcare needs the eighty somethings are more likely to want to be
dictated to.
BTW I usually find Ca antagonists helpful in this age group.
