

Dear All

Annual Conference, Downing College, Cambridge, UK 13th-15th September 1996

Conference Programme:

FRIDAY, 13th September 1996, 2.00 - 5.30 pm
Chairman - Dr Nick Booth, Vice-Chairman of the PHCSG

Keynote Speaker:

Anne Sutcliffe, Project Manager, PNP:-

Lessons from Patients Not Paper

Keynote Speaker:

Michael Carmel, SW Thames Regional Librarian:-

Sorting the wheat from the chaff:- dealing with the information explosion

Chairman - Dr Glyn Hayes, President of the PHCSG


Controlling Access to Networks:- A Possible Solution

Keynote Speaker: Senior Official, NHS-IMG:- GP Computing:- The Next Few Years

Dr John Williams, Chairman of PHCSG:- A View of the Problems, Issues and Solutions

SATURDAY, 14th September 1996, 9.20 am - 5.05 pm

Chairman - Mike McCurry, Conference Co-ordinator of the PHCSG

Helen Fowler, Richard Gain, John Kirby:-
Representing clinical knowledge in the PEN&PAD clinical data entry system

Rosemary Keele, Brian Payne, Ged Keele:-
Cross-boundary communication: the development of structured and computerised formats for
admission and discharge documentation and an audit of their use

Dipak Kalra, David Ingram, Jane Grimson, David Lloyd:-
The SYNAPSES Project

David Markwell:-
Where is THE medical record?


Coping with getting concepts into the record terminology browsers / coding systems
and natural language processing

What sort of decision support in a consultation?

Working solutions for encryption

Transfer of medical records between GPs

Chairman Dr Ian Purves, Treasurer of the PHCSG

Mike Bainbridge, Peter Salmon, Ann Rappaport, Glyn Hayes, John Williams, Sheila Teasdale:-
Episode handling in GP records

Peter Salmon, Glyn Hayes, Ian Herbert, Mike Bainbridge:-
Care plans in GP structured records

Glyn Hayes:-
Archiving and deleting patients' electronic medical records

Chairman Dr Neill Jones, Membership Secretary of the PHCSG

Ian Purves, Mike Sowerby, Robin Beaumont, Bob Sugden:-
An aristocrat, a precocious child and a sacred cow. Developing general practice computer systems:
a collaboration between GPs, system suppliers and the NHS Executive - lessons from the PRODIGY

Vic Lane, Peter Littlejohns, Daniel Lane
Decision making aids for GPs - the potential of neural networks for building decision
making aids in primary care medicine
5.05 pm: John Perry Prize
8.00 pm: CONFERENCE DINNER - Guest Speaker - Sean Brennan
SUNDAY, 15th September 1996, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm

Chair - Cheryl Cowley, Executive Council

William Clayton, Robert Harrison, Paul Wallace:-
Joint consultations through teleconferencing - feasible, effective, popular?

Nick Booth:-
Semantics of confusion

Timothy Bentley, Colin Price, Philip Brown:-
Structure and lexical features of the Read Codes

Chair - Louise Simpson, Executive Council

Graeme Miller, Helena Britt:-
An 'issue' in primary health care

Helena Britt, Graeme Miller:-
ICPC PLUS:- An extended version of the International Classification of Primary Care for
computerised clinical systems

Plenary Session
Parallel Poster Sessions

Helena Britt, Graeme Miller:-
A new drug classification for computers: the ATC extension code

Jean Roberts:-
Training in and awareness of health informatics - IT Eductra aims to bring it all together

Florence Harding:-
A tool for diagnosis of STDs in a developing country

Michael Prasad:-
The role of information technology in general practice out-of-hours work

Brian Higginson:-
Radio-networked "virtual" nursing home
