

This weekend's task... complete this stress questionaire.
The subscriber with the highest score gets an early MI.

Score one point for each of the following:

 1. a tension headache like a vice over the surface of
    the skull, from the muscles at the back of the neck
    to the ones behind the eyebrows

 2. frequent heartburn, indigestion, wind

 3. insomnia

 4. palpitations

 5. bouts of diarrhoea alternating with constipation

 6. loss of appetite

 7. difficulty in... er... concentrating

 8. unreasonable irritability

 9. not coping with everyday responsibilities

10. inability to change so that you can cope

11. suppressing feelings of anger, fear, worry

12. neglecting some aspects of life by devoting too
    much time to others

13. inability to relax and forget worries even for a few

Can anyone beat 11/13 ????

I have no answers, only questions.

eg: What's the definition of indefinitely...?
