

In message <[log in to unmask]> Andrew Oakford wrote:

> Any huntin', shootin' and fishin' GPs out there who would be prepared to
> stand up for common sense?


Me, I'm with the majority on this one. Never owned a gun, never fired
a gun - don't think I've ever even *touched* a gun. Ooohhh, what a
sheltered life I've led.

Never killed anyone or anything for sport, that I can recall.
I dare say, as a child, I may have tortured and killed a few
ants and other insects. Though, if I did, I have helpfully
blanked out such incidents.

Seriously - er, this is getting scary - if you want to *play*
with instruments that can kill people, you have to live with
and accept the criticism of others who share not your views.

How many other 'sports' are there where the the main piece of
equipment involved can take someone's life? You don't get many
people being impaled by a pole (vault) do you?

NB Anyone see the picture in Minerva in the back of this week's
BMJ? Piccy of a bloke with a fence post through his chest - I
kid you not.

Anyway, I support the right of other people to do whatever they
like, as long as the chance of their sport/pastime harming others
is acceptably low. Personally, I'd rather kiss Virginia Bottomley
on the lips than shoot a gun. OTOH, if I was forced to use my
tongue I might choose the trigger instead.


Iain Hotchkies MBChB                 ambition: polymath
                                    currently: jack of all trades               corollary: master of none
