

Sachit Shah Asks

SS>I have just seen an advertisement (intended for the general public) here =
SS>in British Columbia that Famotidine (Pepcid) is going to available as an =
SS>OTC medication.

SS>Are there any other jurisdictions where this medication is available in =
SS>a similar manner and what has been the experience?=20

Yes, UK for about 18 months.

Experience locally shows that our community pharmacists are
very responsible and refer persisting users rapidly to GP.

Some recent work in UK suggests that lots of new over the
counter drugs available for the public have not reduced GPs
workload or number of NHS scripts.

Well, well how surprising       :-)

Dr. David Jobson
The Surgery, Main St  Surgery   Tel +44 (0)1728   830526
Leiston               Surgery   Fax               832029
Suffolk               Home      Tel               831100
IP16  4JG             email     [log in to unmask]

 * SLMR 2.1a * David J
