

On Mon, 29 Jul 96 13:48:29 UT, you wrote:

>Does anyone know of a good review article of this subject?
By coincidence I came across this review article on the Web yesterday
when I was looking for information on Valaciclovir for Zoster.  It's
an abstract and comments on a Lancet paper in an american journal,
"Consequences of Varicella and Herpes Zoster in Pregnancy: Prospective
Enders G, MD; Miller E, MFPHM; Cradock-Watson J, BM; Bolley I, MTSA;
Ridehalgh M, BSc
Lancet. 1994;343:1547-1550 "

Let me know if you have any difficulty decoding the attachment.

By the way, what are your views on treating shingles in general?
Should everyone have antivirals?  Personally I'm not convinced that
the benefit justifies the cost, except perhaps for the elderly.

Dr David Evans
