

In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
> After a general wider search and chat with other colleagues, it has
> become clear that the reason that the government is not happy about
> encryption on the NHSNW is that they would like to read peoples medical
> notes. It would be a neat means of following people around the country
> too. There have been nightmare scenarios raised about Spooks being able
> to break into NHS computers and say alter the path labs computer record
> of an injured IRA bomber's blood group and so give him a mismatched
> transfusion or ordering an ITU computer to give a massive overdose of
> K+. Even if the MHS exec. Allowed encryption, someone would need to
> hold master keys incase the system collapsed- guess who would demand
> copies? AmI being paranoid? Or after the Colin Wallace case, can you
> trust them to be fair?
> Paul caldwell

God, this is getting heavy.  Feel driven to respond, if only because I'm
the only contributor (as opposed to lurker) to GP-UK with the word
'Executive' in his job title.  Albeit sufficed with 'Scotland'.

There's a difference between deliberate plans and opportunism.  Paul
seems to be suggesting that the NHSE IM&T strategy is deliberately
spook-influenced.  There is no reason why such influences, if they exist,
shouldn't also apply to Scotland's strategy.  I categorically deny that
it's even been hinted at.  In fact, I can't begin to imagine doing the
job I do under such conditions.

In Scotland we're also trying to exploit network technology.  Motives are
solely to do with benefits to health care.  And clinician-endorsed
security and confidentiality safeguards are sine qua non.

I mentioned opportunism, by which I mean that characteristics of any
particular IM&T set-up could in theory be taken advantage of for
unwelcome reasons.  Always a possibility, if not a probability.  Just
what we collectively must guard against.  But a very different scenario
to deliberately planning to leave chinks in the armour.

Alan Hyslop
Computing & IT Strategy
Management Executive, NHS in Scotland.
