Dear AI scientist/engineer/student/enthusiast,

the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) is excited to invite you to attend the asynchronous short course by esteemed Prof. Adrian Popescu:

Continual Learning for Image Classification

This course will focus on continual learning for image classification, and will discuss: the main continual learning challenges (catastrophic forgetting, drift, stability-plasticity compromise, role of memory, scalability); the main families of methods proposed to solve the task; the relation to related areas (transfer learning, few-shot learning, edge learning); the deployment of CL in practice, with examples of applications; and good practices for CL evaluation.                       

Host Institution: CEA List, France

Level: Foundational

Schedule: Online lectures

December 2023 –  August 2024 🗓 

Join us and explore further


Both AIDA and non-AIDA students are encouraged to participate in this course for free 👇 

  • AIDA Students (PhD students, Post-doc researchers, possibly qualified MSc students belonging to any AIDA Member) should enroll in the AIDA system by using the "enroll button" in the above AIDA course page in order for this course to be included on AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance.
  • Students/participants not associated with any AIDA member can access the course by clicking on the "course link", instead of the "enroll button".

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA), a joint initiative of the European R&D projects AI4MediaELISEHumane AI NetTAILORVISIONsupports a world-level AI education and research program. AIDA has regular lecture series, short courses, semester courses, and summer schools with the participation of hundreds of academics and serving a growing community of AI PhD students and researchers.




Best regards

AIDA Secretariat

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