

*** This list is supported by IAML (UK & Irl). Find out more about IAML (UK & Irl) and how to join at ***



Somerset are looking to locate the v/s as below.  If anyone is able to help us with copies, please do let us know.


x100 v/s Mozart’s Requiem (the Sussmayr edition)

ASAP to end of April ‘24


Thanks for checking your stock.


Best wishes,


Natalie Snelson

Music & Drama Assistant (Mon-Wed)

Performing Arts Library Outreach Officer (Thurs)
Somerset Council
Contact Number: 01935 472 020



What’s Your Story? We love our libraries, and we hope you do too.  We’d love to hear how Somerset Libraries have helped make a difference in your life. Has being able to loan scores, music or play sets helped you continue performing during the cost-of-living crisis? Do you attend a group in our Performing Arts Space which has helped with your language skills, fitness levels, or enabled you to meet others and help you feel more involved in your community?

Please tell us what’s made a difference so that we, at The Performing Arts Library, can keep helping our Somerset communities. What's your story? (  



Somerset Council Disclaimer: List etiquette for iaml-uk-irl. * This discussion list is not dedicated solely to Inter-Library Loan requests. Any such requests must always contain ILL in the subject line to allow non-participants to filter them out. * ILL requests should be posted to the list only *after* they have been checked without success against the Encore21 database * Up to six ILL requests may be made in a single email message. Satisfied requests should always be reported back to the list using the same subject line to save the time of others who might still be trying to help. * Do not send commercial advertisements to the list. If in any doubt ask the list owner. * It is not possible to attach files (pictures, documents, etc.) to your list email. They have been disabled to minimize the risk of spreading viruses. * Reuse of email addresses found on this list for sending unsolicited email is strictly forbidden.