

In case people are interested, please find below a list of the books we are going to have out for the talk by Evanghélia Stead on Wednesday; since the Taylorian was part of the original GoogleBooks deal, you can actually study scans of quite a number of these copies, so it might be a useful teaching resource, also for translation studies.

Here again the details of the talk: Wednesday, 25 October, 3-5pm, Taylor Institution Library, Room 2

This is part of my History of the Book seminar this term and will be also a show-and-tell session making use of the vast material on ‘Faust’ brought together by Prof. Hermann Fiedler (186 results for the search query ‘Fiedler*’ for shelfmark and ‘Faust’ for topic on SOLO). Please drop me a line if you would like to attend (but there should be plenty of space). Evanghélia’s book ‘Goethe's Faust I outlined. Moritz Retzsch's prints in circulation’ is open access available via Brill

Retzsch’s illustration of Faust

Faust in Translation

Retzsch’s illustration of Schiller

Other Faust illustrations

Additional Material


Die Leiden des jungen Werthers.

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