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What is symplectic geometry?


This beautiful version of geometry was developed to keep track of things that move! Here's a very brief introduction.


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Circles rolling on circles


Imagine a circle with radius 1cm rolling completely along the circumference of a circle with radius 4cm. How many rotations did the smaller circle make? Be prepared for a surprise!


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Two-faced conic sections


The conic sections can be defined by slicing through a cone. They can also be defined in terms of a point (the focus) and a line (the directrix). How are the two definitions connected? Through Dandelin spheres! Find out more in this article...


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conic section



Latest podcasts


Gravitational waves reveal cosmic hum


There's been some huge news in the world of cosmology: for the first time scientists have detected a low frequency hum of gravitational waves. In this podcast we find out what these new results mean, and why they're so exciting, with three of our favourite cosmologist: Michalis Agathos, Amelia Drew, and Ulrich Sperhake.


Black holes


Sarah Hart: Once upon a prime


Maths and literature: there are more connections than you think and they'll enhance your pleasure of both. Find out more with the fabulous Sarah Hart in this podcast!


Black holes




Maths in a minute

Want facts and want them fast? Our Maths in a minute series explores key mathematical concepts in just a few words. From symmetry to Euclid's axioms, and from binary numbers to the prosecutor's fallacy, learn some maths without too much effort. 

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