

The anarchies leading humanity towards destruction are, of course, elite
anarchies - somehow these escape attention in the limited MSM view of
opposition to climate oppression.

Following the tidal wave of free money released by the global economic
crisis in 2008, governance systems thoughout the 'liberal western
democracies' have been subordinated to the endless ego-anarchy of the
wealthy elite, and our elected representatives have been happy to drown the
urgencies of the masses.

Gossling and Humpe point this out in their paper "Millionaire spending
incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions, Stefan Gössling and Andreas Humpe ( See
also Paul Beckwith on this: "Enormous, Growing Emissions from Millionaires
and Billionaires Incompatible with a Survivable Planet" (

The article by Dolsak and Prakash isn't really against anarchies, then - it
just wants what it sees as the desperate anarchies of environmental
activists to be controlled, whilst the unsupervised and unregulated
anarchies of the elites, released by cyber-financing, to accelerate the
destruction of the the human bio-vehicle.

Time and again, geographical themes are being subordinated to these
powerful elite egotisms - smart cities "reinforce digital divides,
inequality, and power asymmetries by catering to political elites,
prioritizing vested interests, and deepening existing socioeconomic
divisions" (Smart City Visions and Human Rights: Do They Go Together? Tina
Kempin Reuter, 2020,, but
curiously this endless concentration of power is very rarely mentioned in
urban theory writings.

Urban water supplies are driven by elite concerns, as the south-western USA
is finding out - "due to stark socioeconomic inequalities, urban elites are
able to overconsume water while excluding less-privileged populations from
basic access" (Urban water crises driven by elites’ unsustainable
consumption, Elisa Savelli, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Giuliano Di Baldassarre,
Hannah Cloke & Maria Rusca
Nature Sustainability, 2023).

Drinking in cities is driven by profit-motivated elite anarchies, even the
air that you breathe - "central to the effort to regulate automobile
emissions in California are business elites whose economic interests lie in
rising property values and an expanding local consumer base" (Urban Growth
and the Politics of Air Pollution: The Establishment of California's
Automobile Emission Standards
George A. Gonzalez, Polity, Winter, 2002)

In India, elite atmospheric polluters are making life unliveable - "Dirty
air: how India became the most polluted country on earth" ( Anarchistic elite abuse of the
atmosphere is so great that an horrific new industry is beginning - the
Pay-to-Breathe industry ("The Alarming Rise of India’s Pay-to-Breathe
Industry", Akanksha Singh, BUSINESS, MAR 8, 2023). It isn't that elites
don't understand this, any more than the politicians they own - it's that
short-term profit and short=term voting drives them on, and they've
purchased their way over and above the power of the legal system... the
ability to pollute and waste at will without consequence gives them a
filth-based freedom.

Ironically, in his letter MLK mentions anarchy just once: "In no sense do I
advocate evading or defying the law, as would the rabid segregationist.
That would lead to anarchy. One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly,
lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty. I submit that an
individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who
willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the
conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing
the highest respect for law."

Elite polluters evade and defy the law through a position of power and
privilege; environmental activists constitute a last desperate attempt to
draw attention to this anarchy 'to arouse the conscience of the community'
over the injustices of an elite which is in danger of exterminating a large
portion of humanity...


On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 9:48 AM simone tulumello <[log in to unmask]>

> Martin Luther King Jr, Letter from a Birmingham Jail
> On Mon, 1 May 2023, 08:26 Ilan Kelman, <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> "Why Blowing up Pipelines will not Solve the Climate Crisis"
>> By Nives Dolsak and Aseem Prakash
>> ------------------------------
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Dr Jon Cloke
Senior Research Associate - ENR-Demos
ENR-Demos website:
CEO Social Energy System Consultants
LCEDN National Network Manager
LCEDN website:

*Recently published: *

*Extending energy access assessment: The added value of taking a gender

Annemarije Kooijman, Joy Clancy, Jon Cloke,

Energy Research & Social Science,

Volume 96,



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