

Many colleagues will have wondered, post-2016, why large car manufacturers would continue to make cars in the UK after Brexit, apart from Nissan which keeps being bribed to stay.

Now, "UK car manufacturing hit a 66-year low in 2022", the lowest level since 1956 -,auto%20supply%20chains%20crippled%20output.

Now that the EU has stipulated a framework ending carbon-emitting cars by 2035, plus strong rules re EV battery material sourcing and manufacturing requirements and recycling and re-use, the UK has no chance of meeting these regulations.

This socio-economic tsunami plus the admission by the snake-oil salesmen's snake-old salesman, Nigel Farrage, that Brexit has failed, leads to a great piece by Umair Haque (

"Let me give you an analogy. A metaphor. You go to a doctor. A quack. He gives you pills. You take them for a while. Instead of feeling better, you feel worse, much worse. The quack doctor says: so sorry, my treatment failed. Meanwhile, it turns out, those pills gave you cancer. This is where Britain is now."

Will this change anything? No. 

The dirty white offshore money that wants the UK as an unsupervised, unregulated financial land-fill for the worst global accountancy frauds will continue to make money, and doesn't care.. 

Dr Jon Cloke
Senior Research Associate - ENR-Demos
ENR-Demos website:
CEO Social Energy System Consultants
LCEDN National Network Manager
LCEDN website:

Recently published: 

Extending energy access assessment: The added value of taking a gender perspective

Annemarije Kooijman, Joy Clancy, Jon Cloke,

Energy Research & Social Science,

Volume 96,


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