

I am circulating this call for papers at the request of the Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y León (Assocation of Archivists of Castile and Leon). The theme of the next issue of the Association's journal Tabula is "Geography, Archives and Documents", and the editors are seeking submissions on this topic written in English as well as those written in Spanish.

Geography, archives and documents.

The interest in understanding how the world is organised and our place in it is a constant in history that is still very much alive. Our lives take place in geographical spaces that are constantly evolving, as are the ways in which we document, transmit and exploit information about them.

The dizzying pace of the physical, political and human changes that are taking place is moving us to a critical study and the search for a geographical understanding in a transversal and multidisciplinary way where the way of documenting and recovering this information will be strategic. From geographical observation and reflection, perspectives emerge that make social patterns, environmental circumstances and local characteristics visible, but also question the nature and solidity of the representations used to describe events and processes.

For centuries, cartography has channelled the need for graphic representation and systematisation of geographic information. In the evolution of technological advances, it is now joined by geographic information science (GISci), which delves into the potential and limitations of these technologies. Methods and tools are not only fundamental for Geography, but also for many other disciplines, processes and services: a substrate on which to represent analysis and data for the observation of problems.

Archives have been and continue to be witnesses to all of this. Their documentary collections are a primary source of information for understanding land planning and the evolution of its ownership and uses, as well as for analysing the distribution and organisation of the population, or for the study of methods of geographical representation and toponymy. The expansion of geographic information systems and the incorporation of geospatial references into multiple business contexts also entails the need to address their management and preservation from the perspective of document management and the opportunity to incorporate them into the archival processes themselves, at a time when government and business data strategies are giving special relevance to the interoperability and reuse of geographic data.

We open the opportunity to submit articles for the 26th issue of Tabula, which will focus on the proposed theme from perspectives such as:

  1.  Archival documentary sources for geographical analysis/study.
  2.  Documenting the roots and ownership of territory. Documentary evidence in the processes of territorial recovery.
  3.  Biases, manipulation and geographic disinformation through documents.
  4.  Treatment of documentary formats of special geographic interest: maps, plans, graphs, orthographies, photographs, etc.
  5.  Application of geographic information science (GISci) to document production and archival processes. Geographic data governance. Geographic data models and their management in organisations.
  6.  Social and human geography through documents.
  7.  Mapping the invisible

Original manuscripts can be of any reasonable length and must be submitted before 15 September 2023. They can be sent as an e-mail attachment to Luis Hernández Olivera, <[log in to unmask]>.

If you have any questions about this call for papers, please feel free to contact Luis at <[log in to unmask]>. Please don't send your questions to me!

Best wishes,

Geoffrey Yeo
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Department of Information Studies
University College London, London WC2E 6BT, UK

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