Dear colleagues,

Find attached (and pasted below) the Call for Papers for the 7th issue of the Journal of Literary Education about Empirical Research in Reading and Literary Education.

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Best regards.

CFP Empirical Research in Reading and Literary Education


Inmaculada Fajardo, Xavier Mínguez-López, Catalina Millán &Tzina Kalogirou


In his book Literary reading. Empirical and theoretical studies (2006) David Miall points out that “the study of real acts of reading, can provide some new perspectives on old issues […] what evidence we can gather for the reality of our proposals about literary reading from the experience of actual readers” (2). His observation points out one of the most interesting insight that empirical studies about literature can provide. The field of literary studies and, tangentially, of literary education, suffers from a lack of empirical research to support the vast and varied theories about reading, literary reading and even literary response. This situation has led to a disproportion between theory and practice, which can be actually misleading. As Vicent Salvador (1984) stated some years ago, very often authors write literature when writing about literature and they do not contemplate the scientific nature of literary studies.

Empirical studies about literary reading cover many areas and many methodologies: from neuropsychology studies on the reception of metaphors (Schnitzer & Pedreira, 2005), to the measurement of Literary Competence (Mínguez-López & Alfonso-Benlliure, 2021), the analysis of the very core of literariness (Salgaro, 2015) and the inclusion of different studies with one point in common: the aim to use empirical methods and materials in order to check assumed statements on how to “teach” literature.

In this issue, we also include studies on reading, since it is not possible to separate it from literary reading. Reading habits, reading competence, literacy, etc. are fields closely related to literary reading so we need to consider these studies in order to build a solid set of research that, on the one hand, supports our daily work with literature and, on the other hand, fosters a greater knowledge about how reading occurs and what happens when reading occurs.

The 7th issue of the Journal of Literary Education will focus on supporting scientific projects through information and cooperation, furthering personal contact in all areas of research, encouraging researchers, professors, teachers in the field of empirical literary research and applying these empirical results.

The Journal welcomes contributions from many disciplinary perspectives (psychological, developmental, cross-cultural, cognitive, linguistic, and educational) to deepen our understanding of literature, literary processes, literary applications and the notion of empirical research within a literary education framework. The journal intends to become a forum for this interdisciplinary research.

We are looking for papers related to the overall theme of the issue as described above. Potential research areas include, but are not restricted to:

- Empirical studies about reading and/or literary reading.

- Research in the classroom: case studies, ethnographies, surveys, questionnaires, etc.

- Reading and/or literary reading in special needs education.

- Impact of empirical studies in teaching.

- Assessment of literature learning (literary competence, reading competence, etc.)

If you prefer to deliver an article for the miscellaneous section, we recommend that you check our Author guidelines. Articles submitted before 30th May will have priority for the 7th issue.

For submissions & further information, visit:


Miall, D. S. (2006). Literary reading: Empirical & theoretical studies. Peter Lang.

Mínguez López, X., & Alfonso Benlliure, V. (2019). Design and validation of the literary competence battery (LBC). Investigaciones sobre Lectura, 2019, vol. 12

Salvador, V. (1984). El gest poètic: Cap a una teoria del poema. Institut de Filolgia Valenciana & Institut de Cinema i Ràdio-Televisió, Universitat de València.

Salgaro, M. (2015). How literary can literariness be? Methodological problems in the study of foregrounding. Scientific Study of Literature5(2), 229-249.

Schnitzer, M. L., & Pedreira, M. A. (2005). A neuropsychological theory of metaphor. Language Sciences27(1), 31-49.

Schmidt, S.J. (1982) Foundation for the Empirical Study of Literature: The Components of a Basic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing.

Karla Fernández de Gamboa Vázquez
Irakasle atxikia
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Hizkuntzaren eta Literaturaren Didaktika Saila
Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
Hezkuntza eta Kirol Fakultatea 
Facultad de Educación y Deporte
Juan Ibañez de Sto. Domingo 1, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava/Araba)
T. +34 945 013 266

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