Dear all


It is with enormous pleasure I can announce the winners of this year’s awards. These awards are given to the most active contributors (Early Career Researchers, excluding CoSeC staff members) to our community, covering anything from software, training, participation on mailing lists/GitHub, hackathons, event co-organisation etc. Past awards can be found at .


We found it particularly hard this year as we had many people quite active, see also below. In the end, the SyneRBI Executive Committee decided to recognise the following individuals for their contributions this year:


Gold: Daniel Deidda (NPL) £400
For contributions to STIR for SPECT,​ PET block detectors and ​ quantification, and ​ assistance with our training​ schools​


Silver: Johannes Mayer (PTB) £200

For continued contributions to SIRF for​ improved MR handling


Bronze: Zeljko Kereta (UCL) £100

For contributions towards stochastic optimisation algorithms and co-organisation of the 2022 workshop on modern image reconstruction methods in medical imaging.


We’d also like to thank the following for their help (in no particular order):


Note that Claire received joint first prize for the annual CoSeC Impact Award in May.


Of course, SyneRBI wouldn’t work without the CoSeC staff, so many thanks to Evgueni Ovtchinnikov, Edoardo Pasca, Evangelos Papoutsellis and Gemma Fardell, with special mention of Vaggelis who is  now Senior Research Scientist at Finden Ltd, but still contributing to CIL.


A huge congratulations to this year’s winners. For everyone else, you know what to do to win next year 😊!

Kris Thielemans
Professor in Medical Imaging Physics at University College London,
Institute of Nuclear Medicine,
UCL Hospital Tower 5, 235 Euston Road, London NW1 2BU,  UK


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