

Dear Colleagues,



I would like to bring to your attention the short online course in Socio-economic Inequality in Health as below.



Socio-economic Inequality in Health


Presenter: Dr Apostolos Davillas


Dates: 17/01/2023 - 18/01/2023


ONLINE, two-day course


17/01/2023: 08:00 – 15:15 (UK time)


18/01/2023: 08:00 – 15:15 (UK time)






Economists (and social scientists more broadly) are increasingly focusing on the measurement and causes of inequality in health. This reflects the concern that health inequality reflects social injustices, and it is also in response to the trend away from a narrow focus on income inequality to broader inequality in wellbeing analysis.


This two-day online course aims to postgraduate researchers and analysts interested in quantitative analysis of inequity and (socio-economic and regional) inequality in health and health care. This consists of lectures and practical sessions on the measurement and interpretation of inequity and inequality in health and health care. Specifically, this course provides a gentle introduction to the concept of inequity, socio-economic inequality, and inequality of opportunity in health, i.e., the “egalitarian” framework that does not necessarily indicate equality of the distribution of outcomes per se but emphasizes the role of individual responsibility in defining a “fair” distribution of health in the society.


Recent advances in the survey measurement of health, in the context of large-scale social science datasets, allow us to access and collect physical measurements and markers derived from biological samples, in addition to self-reported health assessments. Measurement error in self-reported health data (as well as potential measurement errors in “more objectively” measured nurse-collected indicators in social science surveys) may significantly affect and contaminate the measurement of socioeconomic inequality in health research when relying on these health measures. We will draw conclusions on the potential implications of measurement error in self-reported and measured health indicators for research in inequalities in health.


We will also provide a good set of practical sessions and illustrative examples on the measurement of inequality in health using subjective and more objectively measured health indicators.


The course covers:


•  A gentle introduction to inequity and socio-economic (and regional) inequality in health and health care


• A number of approaches (employed by economists, social scientists, and bio-social researchers) to the measurement of socioeconomic inequality in health and healthcare


• The concept of inequality of opportunity in health


• Measurement of inequality and inequality of opportunity in health


• Measurement error in self-reported (and measured) health data in social science surveys and its potential implications for the socio-economic inequality in health research.


• Practical sessions and illustrative examples on the measurement of health inequality, measurement error in health outcomes and the potential implications for existing research in health inequality.


This course is aimed at postgraduate researchers and analysts interested in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality in health and health care, including (but not limited to): Academics, Government Researchers, Third sector organizations, and (Health) Consultancy analysts.





• £60 for students registered at University. • £120 for staff at academic institutions, Research Councils researchers, public sector staff and staff at registered charity organizations and recognised research institutions. • £200 for all other participants




Registration and further details:





Dr. Apostolos Davillas


Find my research at: Personal website  ORCiD Google Scholar  

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