Hi team,

I am having issues running eddy. See below command and error. It seems to be associated with cuda?
I am using the latest version of FSL on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS WSL (Windows 10); I linked eddy_cuda using: sudo ln -sf ${FSLDIR}/bin/eddy_cuda9.1 ${FSLDIR}/bin/eddy_cuda

eddy_cuda --imain=$(pwd)/INPUTS/dwi.nii.gz --mask=$(pwd)/INPUTS/brainmask.nii.gz --acqp=$(pwd)/INPUTS/acqparams.txt --index=$(pwd)/INPUTS/index.txt --bvecs=$(pwd)/INPUTS/dwi.bvec --bvals=$(pwd)/INPUTS/dwi.bval --topup=$(pwd)/OUTPUTS/topup --out=$(pwd)/eddy_output/eddy_unwarped_images

EDDY:::  EddyCudaHelperFunctions::InitGpu: cudaGetDevice returned an error: cudaError_t = 35, cudaErrorName = cudaErrorInsufficientDriver, cudaErrorString = CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
EDDY:::  cuda/EddyCudaHelperFunctions.cu:::  static void EDDY::EddyCudaHelperFunctions::InitGpu(bool):  Exception thrown
EDDY:::  cuda/EddyGpuUtils.cu:::  static std::shared_ptr<EDDY::DWIPredictionMaker> EDDY::EddyGpuUtils::LoadPredictionMaker(const EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions&, EDDY::ScanType, const EDDY::ECScanManager&, unsigned int, float, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, bool):  Exception thrown
EDDY:::  eddy.cpp:::  EDDY::ReplacementManager* EDDY::Register(const EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions&, EDDY::ScanType, unsigned int, const std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> >&, EDDY::SecondLevelECModel, bool, EDDY::ECScanManager&, EDDY::ReplacementManager*, NEWMAT::Matrix&, NEWMAT::Matrix&):  Exception thrown
EDDY::: Eddy failed with message EDDY:::  eddy.cpp:::  EDDY::ReplacementManager* EDDY::DoVolumeToVolumeRegistration(const EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions&, EDDY::ECScanManager&):  Exception thrown

When I checked nvidia-smi on Windows Command Prompt, I can see cuda 11.7 is installed; on Ubuntu Terminal I receive the errors:
Failed to initialize NVML: GPU access blocked by the operating system
Failed to properly shut down NVML: GPU access blocked by the operating system

If I try to link cuda11.7 to eddy_cuda, I receive this error: -bash: /usr/local/fsl/bin/eddy_cuda: No such file or directory
Not sure what to do here, any ideas or suggestions to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance,


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