

Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the Online course “Introduction to Python”
Dates and schedule: November 29th-December 3rd, 2021. Online live  
sessions from 14:30 to 16:30 Q&A session and live coding with the  
instructor and from 17:30 to 20:00 Coding exercises (supervised by the  
instructor). Madrid Time Zone.
22.5 hours of online live lessons, plus 12.5 hours of recorded classes  
and assignments.
Instructor: Nichole Bennet (The University of Texas at Austin, USA).

Course Overview:
Python is a user-friendly and powerful programming language commonly  
used in scientific computing, from simple scripting to large projects.  
This workshop will provide hands-on practice in a biological context  
for beginners, with very limited prior programming experience. This  
course is designed to be very applied, and we will explore Python  
tools of immediate help to the working scientist.
After completing this course, participants will be able to apply  
Python programming automation to their own research problems and  
should be equipped to continue their own Python learning. While this  
course will focus on data analysis using Python, participants will  
gain language-agnostic principles of programming, like automation with  
loops and encapsulation with functions, that will serve as best  
practices for their scientific computing.
More information and registrations: or writing to  
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With best regards

Juan Vicente Bertó Mengual
Transmitting Science


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