Dear all,

Digital Carekit: Developing Activist Communities of Care Online

I'm really excited to share with you the launch of this Free Digital Carekit for Developing Activist Communities of Care Online. The carekit is aimed at social and environmental justice campaigners who use or want to use digital spaces for all or part of their work. It is packed with advice and resources on how to make digital campaigning a more collectively caring experience, maintaining and nurturing activist spaces, supporting the success and development of digital activists. It has information on building supportive communities, safety online and celebrating communities as well as wins.

Producing the carekit has been a nourishing and collaborative process between Dr Audrey Verma and myself, and illustrator Griselda Gabriele, drawing on all our research interests and activism. In the carekit, we conceive of care in resolutely collective terms, and centre solidarity, shared practices, and intersectional and environmental considerations.  
We hope you find the carekit both an enjoyable read and a timely, useful resource. Please forward and share the toolkit with your networks, contacts and groups who might be interested!

Download Digital Carekit PDF (web)

Download Digital Carekit PDF (high def)

Resource page to share:

If you or anyone you know might be interested in a limited hard copy or to attend the carekit launch discussion, please complete this form here:  We will only use your details for carekit-related emails.

Warmest wishes,



Dr Heather McKnight, PhD Legal Studies (she/her) |  Magnetic Ideals  | Researcher and Founding Partner |  [log in to unmask]

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