

Dear Colleagues,

Here are a few items which have come to our attention since the last Newsletter.

You can find this news also at the UKSP website:

or the newsletter in full in our JISCMail archive:

UKSP Chairperson: Sarah Matthews ([log in to unmask])
UKSP Deputy Chairperson: Natasha Jeffrey ([log in to unmask])

Follow UKSP on:
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Twitter - @UKSolarPhysics


General News/UKSP Business:

- Roadmap for Solar System Research – deadline extended to 31 July
- The European Space Weather decides its new future organisation!!!
- Sir Arthur Clarke Awards – SunSpaceArt


Meetings/Workshops/Summer Schools:

- AGU Fall Session SH022 – Origins of Long Duration Gamma-Ray Emission at the Sun
- AGU Session: Cool stars and their influence on (exo)planetary habitability
- SH021 AGU fall meeting session


- Applying for STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship to be hosted at the University of Dundee - Expressions of Interest - deadline 27th August 2021
- Fellowships at Durham – Deadline August 6th
- PDRA post in Solar Physics at the University of Exeter (22nd July deadline)
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Space Plasma Physics at Queen Mary University of London



General News/UKSP Business:


Roadmap for Solar System Research – deadline extended to 31 July
from Malcolm Booy [July 14, 2021]

Dear colleagues,

Please note that the submission deadline has been extended to the 31 July 2021.

The original email can be found below.


Dear colleagues,

The STFC Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP) is undertaking a review of the “Roadmap for Solar System Research”, to be presented to STFC Science Board later this year.

This is expected to be a substantial update of the Roadmap, as the last full review was carried out in 2012, with a light-touch update in 2015.

The current version of the SSAP Roadmap can be found at:

In carrying out this review, we will take into account changes in the international landscape, and advances in instrumentation, technology, theory, and modelling work.

As such, we solicit your input and comments on the existing roadmap and any material we should consider in this revision. This consultation will close on WEDNESDAY 14 JULY 2021 and SSAP will try to give a preliminary assessment of findings at NAM

This consultation is seeking the view of all members of our community and we particularly encourage early career researchers to respond.

Specifically, we invite:

1. Comments and input on the current “Roadmap for Solar System Research” via the survey at .

2. Short “white papers” on science investigations (including space missions, ground-based experimental facilities, or computing infrastructure) and impact and knowledge exchange (e.g. societal and community impact, technology development). Please contact the STFC Programme Support Group (PSG) for a pro-forma – [log in to unmask] Once complete please return the pro-forma to PSG (deadline Wed 14 July 2021).

Kind regards,
Ineke De Moortel, on behalf of the Solar System Advisory Panel

Current SSAP Membership
John Bridges – University of Leicester
Mark Burchell – University of Kent at Canterbury
Ineke De Moortel – University of St Andrews (Chair)
Jonathan Eastwood – Imperial College London (Deputy Chair)
Yvonne Elsworth – University of Birmingham
Suzie Imber – University of Leicester
Ashley King – Natural History Museum
Richard Morton – University of Northumbria


The European Space Weather decides its new future organisation!!!
from Marianna Brigitta Korsos [July 8, 2021]

In the recent months, the European Space Weather and Space Climate Community (ESWC) started to work out a uniting organisation to help the community to sustain and develop the successful efforts made thus far ( A first vote was held from June 28 to 30 in order to decide what structure should be implemented. 289 electors registered to the electoral census. Amongst the voters, 92% answered “yes” to the question “Should the European Space Weather and Space Climate Community establish an organisation to coordinate and represent it?”

The second question was to choose the structure. 54% voted for an independent International Non-Profit Association, 26% to join the European Physical Society as a Division and 20% had no preference.

Based on the outcome of the vote, the Interim Board will work to establish a new International Non-Profit Association. A public discussion will be open in September to the International community (not restricted to Europe) to get advices and comments in real time through a Slack forum. This discussion will include a call for propositions on how to name the structure. In parallel, the statutes will be prepared and the legal aspects will be set. The electoral census will be reopened, in order to let new voters join.

The plan is to create practically this new structure in the days following the ESWW 2021. An exciting time to come!

For any question, please contact [log in to unmask]


Sir Arthur Clarke Awards – SunSpaceArt
from Helen Mason [July 2, 2021]

Very proud to share with you all that the SunSpaceArt Team won the Sir Arthur Clarke 2020 Team Award for Education and Outreach at the British Interplanetary Society’s Gala Dinner on Tuesday evening (29 June 2021). It was quite an exciting adventure to go down to London for this event.

SunSpaceArt is a team of solar scientists, space educators and professional artists who have run STEAM (STEM + Arts) workshops at schools, science festivals and museums, throughout the UK, to engage children with space science and to develop creativity. We have targeted those children most in need of science enrichment activities.

Thanks to all the solar researchers who have helped and supported us.

Helen (Mason)
University of Cambridge
[log in to unmask]







Meetings/Workshops/Summer Schools:


AGU Fall Session SH022 – Origins of Long Duration Gamma-Ray Emission at the Sun
from Silvia Dalla [July 14, 2021]

We invite abstract submissions to the AGU 2021 Fall Meeting session:

SH022 – Origins of Long Duration Gamma-Ray Emission at the Sun

Observations of gamma-ray emission lasting hours beyond other flare-associated electromagnetic signatures provide a test for models of particle acceleration and propagation at or near the Sun. Contributions based on data analysis, modelling and theory are solicited that address the following questions: Where and how are the energetic particles responsible for long duration gamma-ray emission accelerated? How are they able to propagate to the locations near the photosphere where gamma-rays are produced? Can experimental constraints inferred from gamma-ray emission and solar energetic particle measurements be reproduced by models and theory?

Abstracts deadline: Wednesday 4th August 2021

Note that the current plan is for a “hybrid” meeting with both in-person and remote participation.

Silvia Dalla, Georgia de Nolfo and Alessandro Bruno


AGU Session: Cool stars and their influence on (exo)planetary habitability
from Athanasios Papaioannou [July 14, 2021]

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate and submit an abstract to the upcoming AGU fall Meeting (Virtual only) Session: Cool stars and their influence on (exo)planetary habitability.

Submission link:

Deadline for abstract submission:
August 4, 2021

Description: Due to their large number within the Galaxy, their small radii, and closer-in habitable zones (HZ), G-, K- and M-dwarf stars are prime targets for detecting habitable rocky (Earth-like) exoplanets. Next generation missions such as JWST, ARIEL, the ELT and LIFE could in principle detect atmospheric biosignatures (indicators for life) in exoplanetary atmospheres of planets orbiting distant stars. It is therefore timely for theoretical background studies focusing on the particle- and radiation environment of Earth-like exoplanets in the HZ of G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars and their imprint on planetary habitability. Making use of what we have learnt from the Sun and our solar system we can extend our knowledge to extrasolar planetary systems with potentially Earth-like exoplanets.

The session brings together scientists from all fields of research that are related to solar, astrophysical, and exoplanetary sciences. It will allow the sharing of expertise amongst researchers working on different aspects of this interdisciplinary scientific field, allowing showcases of recent advancements in the field of specialization. We solicit contributions related but not limited to:

• Modeling stellar astrospheres and the corresponding energy-dependent CR flux
• Modeling the environment of close-in exoplanets around G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars, in particular, modeling of mass-loss rates, angular momentum loss rates, the magnetic field configuration as well as the density and velocity of the stellar winds of G-, K- and M-dwarf stars
• Modeling stellar CMEs
• Evaluation and quantification of the solar UV-, X-ray, and energetic particle flux relationships and their extension to G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars
• The imprint of the stellar radiation field by modeling the magnetospheric transport and particle interactions within (exo)planetary atmospheres
• Atmospheric modeling studies of climate and (biosignature) photochemistry and the influence of stellar activity

Konstantin Herbst
John Lee Grenfell
Athanasios Papaioannou


SH021 AGU fall meeting session
from Serena Criscuoli [July 1, 2021]

Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to participate and submit an abstract to the AGU fall Meeting session: SH021-Observing and modeling the Solar Atmosphere: Recent Findings and Future challenges.

Submission link:

August 4, 2021

Description: In the next decade new ground- and space-based instrumentation will provide unprecedented observations of the solar atmosphere. The synergy between modeling effort and comprehensive analysis of these observations is crucial for the understanding of the physical processes behind the observed phenomena. However, the unprecedented wealth of data on one hand, and the complexity of the physical phenomena on the other, require the development of new approaches in both data analysis and numerical modeling. This session focuses on recent modeling efforts of the solar photosphere, chromosphere and corona, with emphasis on inter-comparison of models and observations. Contributions are welcome on the synergistic efforts between models and current observations (e.g. SDO, Hinode, SST, BBSO, DST, IRIS, ALMA), as well as new findings and challenges we expect to encounter from the analysis of upcoming observations as those that will be acquired by DKIST and SolO.

Serena Criscuoli ([log in to unmask])
Maria Kazachenko ([log in to unmask])
Irina Kitiashvili ([log in to unmask])





Applying for STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship to be hosted at the University of Dundee - Expressions of Interest - deadline 27th August 2021
from Karen Meyer [July 12, 2021]

The MHD and Astrophysics research cluster at the University of Dundee would like to invite expressions of interest to apply for an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship to be hosted at the University.

If you are interested in applying, then please contact Professor Gunnar Hornig: [log in to unmask]

The internal deadline for applications is 27th August 2021. We would encourage potential applicants to contact us in plenty of time ahead of this deadline.

Information about the fellowship:

Information about our research cluster:


Fellowships at Durham – Deadline August 6th
from Peter Wyper [July 12, 2021]

The MHD group within the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University would like to encourage applications for the following fellowships to be hosted at Durham:

STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship:

Royal Society University Research Fellowship:

The MHD group at Durham has broad interests in solar physics and MHD in general, with a particular focus on computational modelling and theory. Some areas of interest for the group are CME and flare modelling, improving Space Weather prediction, understanding the topological evolution of magnetic fields and the nature of the solar wind. However, applications need not necessarily be in these areas.

Applications are required to pass through an internal selection process. Interested candidates should get in touch with Prof. Anthony Yeates ([log in to unmask]) or Dr Peter Wyper ([log in to unmask]) to informally discuss their applications and for more details.

The deadline for submitting a CV for consideration by the internal selection committee is August 6th.


PDRA post in Solar Physics at the University of Exeter (22nd July deadline)
from Andrew Hillier [July 8, 2021]

We would like to bring to your attention the following 6-month PDRA post at the University of Exeter to investigate the role of partially ionised plasma in determining the observed characteristics of shocks in solar chromospheric plasma. The exact target of the study will be determined through discussion between the successful applicant and the project lead, Prof. Andrew Hillier. Applications from those with experience in solar observations or with performing MHD simulations are encouraged. This role is funded by the STFC consolidated grant held in the Department of Mathematics, University of Exeter.

Please see the online job profile for further details on the role and the applications process:

Applications close on 22/07/2021
Contact for informal enquiries: Prof. Andrew Hillier [log in to unmask]


Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Space Plasma Physics at Queen Mary University of London
from Christopher Chen [July 7, 2021]

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Space Plasma Physics
School of Physics & Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London
Appointment period: 2 years (with possibility for extension subject to further funding)
Application closing date: 20th August 2021
Contact for informal enquiries: Dr Christopher Chen ([log in to unmask])
Link to job profile and application form:

About the Role
This is a postdoctoral position to work on the project “Plasma Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere” funded by an STFC Consolidated Grant. The project involves the use of Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter and other spacecraft data to study turbulence and related plasma processes near the Sun – how they operate and the role they play, and involves comparison with theory and numerical simulations. There is also scope for the postdoctoral researcher to develop their own related research interests.

About You
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Space Plasma Physics or a closely related subject, or equivalent research experience. They will have the skills and abilities to conduct high-quality innovative research and to successfully disseminate this to the international community. They will be highly motivated and able to demonstrate initiative, as well as a commitment to research, academic life, and ethical working. Desirable qualities include experience in spacecraft data analysis, plasma theory, and/or numerical simulations.

About the School
The School of Physics and Astronomy hosts world-class research centres across a range of areas in modern physics: Astronomy, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Physics, and Condensed Matter & Materials Science. The school has 53 academic staff, 45 research staff, 85 PhD students, and runs successful undergraduate/postgraduate teaching programmes with ~400 students. The school recently underwent a £12M refurbishment to provide state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities. The Space & Astrophysical Plasmas group has a history of high-quality research going back to the pioneering work of Vincenzo Ferraro in the 1950s and is part of the Astronomy Unit, which also hosts leading research groups in Cosmology and Planetary Physics, with its members taking leading roles in major international projects.


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