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Dear all,


It seems that we (the Notts Realism team) have been asleep on the job!


Our next session on the Realist PhD Viva is due to take place on Wednesday 7th July. Some of our accompanying promo material has the incorrect date of the 6th July! (the eagle eyed among you will know this is a Tuesday)


I can assure everyone that it is indeed the 7th July!



We are off to Specsavers for an eye examination – [other opticians are available] – maybe we should throw in some testing for attendance too…  We have over 70 people registered for this event, it was only noticed yesterday so maybe we all need eye tests!

We apologise if this has confused anyone.


The information on Eventrbrite is correct


I have attached a brief flyer with some basic details (with the correct date!) for those who have missed previous communications


The link to the Eventbrite incase you wish to register is here:


If anyone needs any more clarification please contact the Notts Realism team on:

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Jo Howe on behalf of the Notts Realism Group


Nottingham Realism

University of Nottingham


Follow us on twitter









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