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Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to announce registration is open for the 8th Annual CARES Summer School for Realist Methodology Training, to be held August 2nd-12th, 2021. The nine-day programme will include a mix of didactic training sessions, one-on-one consultations, and an on-line forum for discussion and networking. The event will be co-facilitated by Justin Jagosh, Sonia Dalkin and Kevin Harris.


Through active engagement during the summer school, participants will:

explore if realist methodology is a right fit given scope and nature of inquiry;

identify/address/overcome research design challenges;

develop programme/middle range theories and context-mechanism-outcome (CMO) configurations;

receive individualized consultations with facilitators;

have the opportunity to present work-in-progress;

gain exposure to a diversity of projects and share knowledge;

have time between sessions for data immersion and writing;

network and collaborate online in a growing community of practice for realist inquiry.

cross the boundary of observable-level theorizing and collectively theorize deeper aspects of reality in complex research areas.




Dr. Justin Jagosh is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Liverpool and Director of the Centre for Advancement in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis (CARES). He runs a full-time consultancy for realist methodology training, mentorship and consultation. Previously he served as a co-investigator on the NIHR funded RAMESES II project to develop quality guidelines and reporting standards for Realist Evaluation.


Dr Sonia Dalkin is an Associate Professor of Applied Health Research at Northumbria University. Sonia has significant experience in realist approaches, providing training in the approach throughout the UK and internationally. In 2018 she co-authored ‘Doing Realist Research’, published by Sage. Her work portfolio reflects her realist experience with projects in palliative care, long term conditions and public health.


Dr. Kevin Harris is a Principal Lecturer at Hartpury University with a focus on realist evaluation in health and social change programmes. He is passionate about building capacity for realist methodology with practitioners in programme settings and to that end is involved in a number of commissioned evaluations utilizing realist methodology in conjunction with additional approaches.


For more information please visit: or view the attached circulation flier for details of all upcoming CARES training workshops.








Justin Jagosh, PhD

Director, Centre for Advancement in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis (CARES)

& Honorary Associate, University of Liverpool


Jagosh, J. (2020) Retroductive Theorizing in Pawson and Tilley’s Applied Scientific Realism. Journal of Critical Realism.




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