

Dear colleagues,

Although I am not an expert in aDNA, I have the strong feeling that this paper presents a huge brake-through concerning the analysis of charred ancient plant DNA. Earlier positive results with aDNA from charred cereals were considered as false positives based on a.o. heating experiments and the (non-)survival of DNA, but apparently there is a “small window of heating parameters that can, in some cases, give rise to charred archaeobotanical material in which some intact DNA is preserved.”
This opens new perspectives (apart from the great results presented here for T. timopheevii). For instance also for the analysis of Triticum durum/turgidum type that is so characteristic of Dutch and German Michelsberg culture (Late Neolithic) sites. This “hard” wheat does not at all occur in any other Dutch (and German in assume) archaeological period!
Wouldn’t it be great to have aDNA confirmation of this tetraploid wheat, and maybe even of either of the two species?? Could any aDNA-specialist among our group bring me back to earth (if I am dreaming) of support this view???

All the best,


Van: The archaeobotany mailing list [mailto:[log in to unmask]] Namens Aldona Mueller-Bieniek
Verzonden: donderdag 15 oktober 2020 8:28
Aan: [log in to unmask]
Onderwerp: Another new paper - with appologies for cross-posting

Dear colleagues and friends,

The New Glume Wheat story upgrade is ready and you can find it under the following link
The paper is accessible free until 27.November.2020

With best wishes,
stay healthy and calm

dr hab. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek, prof. IB PAN
Institute of Botany PAS
Lubicz 46
PL31-512 Kraków
0048 12 42 41 754

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