I've just been listening to Francesca Happe talking about autism in "A Life Scientific" and found it fascinating.

She mentioned somebody who wanted her weight "to be a prime number". This set me thinking - what weights are prime in both pounds AND kilograms?

So I set to work on Excel, with Primes in the first column and multiplying factors (e.g. 2.3) along the top. In each cell of the array I now have the rounded value ROUND(PRIME*2.3, 0) and I can see that some are prime.

Now I want to colour red all cells holding primes. How to do this? Are there any Excel experts out there please? (I have tried using the COUNTIF function with conditional formatting, but have not succeeded.)

Thanks for any comments or advice.


PS: I have searched for information about the person  who wanted her weight "to be a prime number", but found nothing. Does he/she really exist? Even if not, I thoroughly recommend the programme - on Radio 4 tonight at 9.30 and on BBC Sounds.

PPS: You may be pleased to know what not many other people know - that 71kg is the heaviest weight under 100kg that is prime in both kilogrammes AND in pounds (if my Excel is correct). And the next one down is 17.

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