

Hello Jonas,
You can use the -l/-V options with to list/install versions from 5.0.11 onwards. A selection of older versions can be downloaded from:

although please note that we are unable to provide specific support for older versions of FSL.

Kind Regards
Dr Matthew Webster
FMRIB Centre 
John Radcliffe Hospital
University of Oxford

On 21 Jun 2020, at 16:33, Behland, Jonas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I am currently trying to run FSL on a CentOS7 high performance cluster (I have no sudo rights) using a Nipype version 1.5.0 workflow. From forum users I have read there are compatibility issues with Mcflirt Nodes in Nipype using FSL6 ( Thus, I was planning to install an older FSL verion, i.e. 5.0.10 to prevent this. However, as far as I understand it the script seems to check for the newest FSL version running on the given OS and thus prevents installation of an older version. As it is hard to find information on compatibility with Nipype in the documentation I would be more than happy to hear any hints on how to install FSL5 or generally run FSL on a CentOS7 cluster with Nipype.

Kind regards, 
Jonas Behland     

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