

Peter, thank you for all your help!

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 2:15 PM Zeidman, Peter <[log in to unmask]>

> Dear Tammar
> > We would like to ask your opinion on two matters, please:
> > 1. We have 3 conditions in our study (Experimental, Control, Baseline).
> Our DCM includes only Experimental & Control conditions.
> We compared two analyses:
> > i. DCM using F contrast that includes all three conditions.
> > ii. DCM using F contrast that includes only two conditions (without
> Baseline) We found a difference in the explained variance.
> > It seems weird because the Baseline condition is not defined in the
> intrinsic conditions in both DCMs.
> > What is the reason? Which F contrast is recommended?
> The F-contrast tells SPM which effects to regress out of the time series
> during VOI extraction. Are there unmodelled rest periods or inter-trial
> intervals in addition to the Baseline condition? If so, I recommend you
> keep baseline in the F-contrast (i.e., don't regress it out). If there are
> no rest periods - so the entire time series is Experimental, Control or
> Baseline, then I don't think it really matters either way. Use whichever
> gives you nicer results. (My personal preference is to only regress out
> factors like breathing, head motion, session means.)
> > 2. Is there any preventive to include many between-regions modulatory
> connections?
> > We did not find so, but we want to make sure it is doesn't come at the
> expense of something else.
> Use as many parameters as you think might be necessary to explain your
> data. Then assess whether you could have used a simpler model, by using
> Bayesian model reduction to switch off particular parameters.
> Best
> Peter

תמר טרוזמן
קלינאית תקשורת, MA
מ.ר. 13-138103