

After two very successful digital roundtables, we are delighted to invite you to the third IGNITE digital roundtable on ‘Design Thinking & Maker Culture: Sticky Learning for the 21st Century’. The session will be held on Wednesday 22 April 2020, 4-5:15m (CEST) via Zoom and will consist of four ten-minute papers, followed by a 15 minute discussion.

Eveline Wandl-Vogt—Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria)
Makers Make: Creating Humanity Centred Open Organizations for the Purpose of Good

Ludovit Labik—Tomas Beta University (Czech Republic)
Filmmakers Collaboration on the World’s Digital Revolution

Florian Bettel—University of Applied Arts Vienna (Austria)
Digital Knowledge about Research and Teaching – A User-Centred Design Approach

Akshata Bhatt—Dhempe College of Arts and Science (India)
Design-Thinking Formal Correspondence: Gamification as Learning Intervention in Curriculum Delivery

Please join the session via the following link:  
ID: 480-259-487
PW: 187957

For more information and the full programme visit:     
Follow the conversation on Twitter: @dariahTeach #IGNITEroundtable

We look forward to your participation and stimulating discussion! 



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