Hi everyone, I was performing CAT12 segmentation whe the following error message appeared.

On my Windows pc CAT 12 works fine, but now I'm running it on a Debian 4.19.67. Could it be something related to it?
Any suggestion to solve it?   

CAT Preprocessing error for spm_cat12:

Curvature file "/tmp/cat12/surf/lh.defects.spm_cat12" does not exist!

673 - read_curv
95 - cat_io_FreeSurfer
636 - cat_surf_createCS
663 - cat_main
786 - cat_run_job
15 - cat_run_newcatch
720 - run_job
434 - cat_run
29 - cfg_run_cm
1717 - local_runcj
972 - cfg_util
469 - fill_run_job
247 - spm_jobman
231 - Compute
265 - ComputeInteractive
27 - process_segment_cat12
1031 - @(h,ev)process_segment_cat12('ComputeInteractive',iSubject,iAnatomy)

Print 'Graphics' figure to:
24-Mar-2020 10:16:49 - Failed 'CAT12: Segmentation'
Error using cat_io_FreeSurfer>read_curv (line 673)
Curvature file "/home/duma/.brainstorm/tmp/cat12/surf/lh.defects.spm_cat12" does not exist!

In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_io_FreeSurfer.m" (v1286), function "read_curv" at line 673.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_io_FreeSurfer.m" (v1286), function "cat_io_FreeSurfer" at line 95.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_surf_createCS.m" (v1435), function "cat_surf_createCS" at line 636.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_main.m" (v1446), function "cat_main" at line 663.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_run_job.m" (v1435), function "cat_run_job" at line 786.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_run_newcatch.m" (???), function "cat_run_newcatch" at line 15.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_run.m" (v1439), function "run_job" at line 720.
In file "/home/duma/Desktop/MatLab_toolbox/spm12/toolbox/cat12/cat_run.m" (v1439), function "cat_run" at line 434.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: CAT12: Segmentation

Error using MATLABbatch system
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing
the exact #job as displayed in this error message)