

Hello all,

I hope you are all well.

I am not sure whether there's already anything happening within this group
or the BPS at large.

I'm conscious that this pandemic is already having and will have
consequences for the psychological well-being of people. The various
uncertainties around the future are surely breeding ground for anxiety.
There will be quite a good number of people self-isolating or quarantining
for an unknown period and this will have consequences on the overall mental
health.  I would like to be positive but I think it's important to be
realistic that good part of the population will be struggling to adjust to
isolation and might struggle to readjust to life when the emergency will

Are there any initiatives or channels established already for people to
seek support and help in these times? Also in terms of prevention?
As psychologists, what can we do to support individuals and communities to
limit the harming effects that this crisis will have? (I'm talking about
isolation, changes in social interaction, dealing with the aftermath of the
pandemic, ands so on).

I'd like to do something and use my research/expertise in this but I'm
aware of my limitations and would like to reach out to who might have a
better understanding of the matter - and is sharing a similar concern.

All the best,

The list is jointly managed by David Fryer [log in to unmask] and Grant Jeffrey [log in to unmask], either of whom are able to deal with queries.
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