

Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 261 March 30, 2020 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

I assume it does not come as a surprise to you that the current circumstances also affect the discipline of economics. For one, the spread of the corona-virus and its more immediate consequences challenge some existing presumptions about the capacity and potentials of government-led action as well as regarding the relative performance and capabilities of different health care-systems. For another, this crisis also impacts on organizational aspects, including many events and occasions that have been announced in the past issues of this Newsletter. While we have listed recent deadline extensions in our Call for Papers section below, we will supply a list of all events, that have been announced in this Newsletter, but got cancelled or postponed during the last two weeks directly in the following paragraph. By doing so, I hope to provide a concise summary that may be of help for reorganizing your schedule in these hastily changing times.

To our knowledge, the following events have been cancelled or postponed:

For any details, please the consult the respective website or contact the organizers directly.

Stay healthy and all the best,


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